CUEDIn means Career Transparency

Let your career guide your education

CUEDin connects regional organizations, employers, and candidates to highlight career pathways for a better return on investment.

Two men sitting and talking in a professional setting
Filling Jobs

The Old Way

Post jobs to all jobs boards
Receive hundreds or no applications
Random applicants who don’t fit
Quantity over quality
Get ghosted
Bringing all things career into One-Platform

The CUEDin Solution

Cuedin helps regional training providers, employers, and candidates collaborate to highlight career pathways that maximize return on investment for everyone involved.

Post resources (photos, videos) and jobs to relevant candidates
Create career pathways that showcase your company
Engage various demographics of applicants along their journey
App to chat/connect with qualified candidates
Why US?

The CUEDin Difference

We frequently hear that traditional job boards like LinkedIn and Indeed frustrate both employers and applicants. The current hiring process is broken; it doesn't effectively match candidates' skill sets with suitable jobs. To fix this, we need to focus on building career relationships and encouraging early exploration and learning.

What sets us apart is our career relationship approach that provides a “professional sports team” recruiting/engaging model.

We understand that becoming the ideal candidate in any industry takes time and effort—it's not a quick turnaround. There are more cost-effective solutions to enter the job market quickly and within budget. From the employer's standpoint, recruiting is becoming more challenging as it often starts late in a candidate’s career journey.

We believe the recruiting process should begin earlier, like when they are just exploring a new career. Our process enables employers to engage talent early, allows candidates to visualize their career pathways, and helps training providers deliver relevant training that meets industry standards. By starting early, we bridge the gap between candidates, employers, and training providers, creating a more efficient and rewarding journey for all.